Buy a book, Give a Book . . .
It's a simple vision - Put a thousand copies of Sent to Soar in the hands of people who need it the most, but could never afford it.
Let's start with prison inmates
A Thousand Books,
A Thousand Inmates,
A Thousand Changed Lives

I'm excited to join with the Theosophical Society, the parent organization of Quest books, to provide prisons across the United States with copies of Sent to Soar.
I'm inviting all readers to buy a book, and give a book. I'm donating all of my author proceeds for books bought for inmates. It's very simple. Click on the link below and first discover the work that the Society does with prisons.
Then click on the following link and make a donation. When the donation page opens up, click on the drop down menu that says "Choose Preferred Donation Fund." Choose the "prison program."
You can write a check for $25.00 to cover the cost of the book, plus shipping and handling. Send the check to:
Prison Program
Theosophical Society
P.O. Box 270
Wheaton, IL 60189
Then sit back and know that you've started a process that will transform a life.
Sent to Soar; it's more than a book . . .
. . . it's a process of transformation.
"Sending an uplifting book to a prisoner can have a life-changing effect. In prison, good books are as scarce as a cold glass of water in the desert."
David Bruce
National Secretary
The Theosophical Society in America